Monday 4 May 2015

Learn about Kinsights, and an Amazon #giveaway

Kinsights $50 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway
You're invited to discover what Kinsights has to offer and to enter to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card just for signing up for their free service!
Kinsights is an online Pediatric Personal Health Record Keeper for parents. Gone are the days where you’re being held responsible for keeping track of slips of paper or lugging files and folders containing your children’s health information. And in the event of an emergency, you can even have the health records sent to the ER or out-of-town doctor in a snap. Organize your child’s growth and developmental milestones, immunizations, medications, allergies, and more. This tool is amazing and a godsend to parents.
Kinsights Sample Health Record $50 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway
Mindy at The Inquisitive Mom signed up for Kinsights and this was her experience: In just a few minutes and easily added in my four children. Each child's record has a place for me to easily scan and keep those scraps of paper, so I can always reference the information from their check-ups. The record also includes a detailed place to organize and record all of their medical information. This means that I am not dependent on calls to doctors offices or transferred records in order to have my children's health information on hand.
kinsights 5
Kinsights is also a community where parents can safely seek and share answers to parenting questions. You can ask anything and Kinsights will find the right community members who can provide guidance. Kinsights even offers groups with similar interests their own pages, including single parents, grandparents, those interested in car seat safety, baby & kids fashion, potty training groups, and many more What's really cool about this community is that it makes finding the best answers easy-community members vote up answers so the best content rises to the top. Connect with Kinsights at their website to learn more and sign-up!
Sign up for Kinsights, then enter to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card here!


  1. I like that you can share and read about parenting questions.

  2. I'm always interested in hearing about products that make this busy Mom's life easier. Thanks for sharing.

    Besos, Sarah
    Journeys of The Zoo


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