With the holidays approaching many people are looking for that perfect gift for the people in their lives and if you have a little girl on that list I'd recommend an Our Generation doll!

We received Katelyn for our review along with two outfits.

Katelyn is a doll with a story, and she come with the story, her outfit as well as her skating outfit..including skates, metals and coffee mugs! How cute is that!! I was also sent two additional outfits. I Love that the outfits come packaged with all things a little girl might want to complete the outfit including shoes, hair accessories and in the case of the ballet outfit even a little tote bag. Super cute and sure to help a little girls imagination create a wonderful tale.

The doll is very well made with plastic limbs and head and a soft body that attaches at the neck. The plastic is nice and smooth and the limbs are easy to move and get into clothes. I changed Katelyn a few times into different outfits and found it so so much easier then I remember from smaller dolls from my childhood. Even the boots and skates were easy to slip on. So nice for a little girl to do on her own. The dolls hair is very shiny and soft and is easy to brush and style.
The only complaint I would have and it would be with this doll in particular is that the ear muffs were attached with plastic that went into the dolls head. To remove I had to cut the plastic tags which left little holes in the doll. Just a very small hole so not a huge deal.
Id say the Our Generation dolls would be best for girls aged four and up , but my daughter is just a baby but Daddy gave her the doll when I was out and she absolutely loves it! She now hugs it and carries it around and even wants to share her hair pretties :)
Not only do Our Generation inspire girls to imagine and have fun they also support the Free The Children's Power of a Girl Initiative to help provide girls in developing countries an education––the most powerful tool in the world for escaping poverty. A portion every Our Generation doll, outfit or accessory bought goes toward this very worthwhile charity.
To find the perfect Our Generation Doll for the little girl in your life check out the Website your sure to find the perfect doll for your little one!
Thanks to your description, then again a short girl happened and I would like so doll:)